18 Mar Call for Nominations – EASM Board Elections
The year 2022 marks an election year for the European Association for Sport Management. With the exception of the ESMQ Editor, the entire EASM Board will be up for appointment, as all EASM board members current three-year-term expires this year.
The EASM Board is made up of volunteers from across Europe who work together to fulfil the main aims of EASM. The EASM Board consists of eight elected Board Members:
- 1 President,
- 1 Vice-President,
- 1 Treasurer,
- 5 General Directors
and three appointed ones (student representative, ESMQ editor, Secretary General).
The current EASM President, Dr Vassil Girginov (UK), current EASM Treasurer, Aila Ahonen (FIN), and current EASM General Directors, Karin Book (SWE), Irena Valentine (LIT) and Jakob Wikenstál (SWE) indicated their interest for another term, while all other elected EASM Board Members will not be available for re-elections.
The EASM Nominations Committee invites all EASM members to nominate suitable candidates and/or to put themselves forward.
Interested individuals are encouraged to submit their application by 27th July 2022, 12 noon CET to the Chair of the Nominations Committee, Chris Horbel (chrish@nih.no) and the Secretary-General, Stefan Walzel (stefan.walzel@easm.net). Please visit the website for the formal requirements, the mandatory application form and further information.
Candidates will be introduced to the EASM family on the website on 24th August 2022 at the latest.
The electronic voting will take place 31st August – 06th September 2022. All EASM members will receive a personal invitation to vote electronically. Your vote counts, so please make sure you cast it during the specified period.