"It's results that count" - Impression management in football club financial reporting | 0.2 MiB | 671 |
'Kill one, scare thousands': A critical appraisal of the risk of a terrorist attack at a sporting occasion | 0.2 MiB | 608 |
A global investigation of basketball coaches' profession: Initial findings and future orientation | 0.1 MiB | 481 |
Addressing English football's stadium naming rights dilemma: towards a model of good practise | 0.3 MiB | 875 |
Adventure Sport Tourism in Rural revitalisation : An ethnographic evaluation | 0.2 MiB | 1690 |
An analysis of operating management process in elite sport systems - Pilot study results | 0.2 MiB | 471 |
An evaluation of medal-based measures of performance in the summer Olympic games | 0.3 MiB | 817 |
An examination of the changing motivations of volunteers over the course of their involvement in sport | 0.2 MiB | 455 |
An international comparison of the elite sport climate and elite sport policies in seven countries (SPLISS) | 0.4 MiB | 1557 |
Applying the concept of social world to the study of winter sport tourists | 0.2 MiB | 510 |
Between Tradition, Modernity, and Post modernity: the roles of muslim women in sports adminstration and leadership | 0.1 MiB | 421 |
Building a Legacy? Euro 2005 and the Impact of Women's football in North West England | 0.2 MiB | 518 |
Building community sport partnerships: Using sport and physical activity as a partnership tool | 0.1 MiB | 650 |
Business elements in sport: Qualitative factors affecting the sport sponsorship strategies of Hungarian soccer clubs | 0.1 MiB | 640 |
Can sport action zones facilitate the achievement of UK government physical activity targets | 0.1 MiB | 592 |
Canada's performance in the pool: Sink or Swim? | 0.2 MiB | 455 |
Climbing tourism - A chance to revitalise low mountain range destinations? | 0.2 MiB | 448 |
Commercialisation and the development of new modes of organisation in Norwegian Football | 0.2 MiB | 433 |
Communities on the move in The Netherlands | 0.2 MiB | 447 |
Community Sport - The development of a monitoring and evaluation framework and baseline | 0.2 MiB | 617 |
Comparing female college athletes & non-athletes for indicators of risk and eating disorder, body fat & BMI | 0.1 MiB | 493 |
Competition law issues for new media sports rights in Europe | 0.2 MiB | 668 |
Competitive intensity in European football | 0.3 MiB | 984 |
Constraints and facilitators to physically active leisure of international students | 0.2 MiB | 428 |
Consumer interest, awareness, and intent to purchase: A three country study of Olympic sponsorship | 0.2 MiB | 682 |
Contemporary Sports business issues: Sports social responsibility at Middlesbrough Football Club | 0.1 MiB | 560 |
Corporate Reputation: A sport consumer analysis | 0.2 MiB | 572 |
Culture and tacit knowledge in sport organizations | 87 KiB | 422 |
Customer exit: An analysis of why members discontinue membership of health clubs | 0.1 MiB | 1969 |
Disability sport in the UK: Do we need another powwow? | 0.2 MiB | 482 |
Do sport management graduates end up in sport management jobs? | 0.2 MiB | 623 |
Does Elite collegiate sport develop the business leaders of tomorrow? | 0.1 MiB | 454 |
Does organizational change foster unintended results? | 0.2 MiB | 417 |
Dunking Aids Out : Games approach to HIV/AIDS Education | 0.1 MiB | 581 |
E-Learning training for sport managers : The Olympia Case | 0.1 MiB | 400 |
Effects of practicum courses on managerial competences for sport events | 0.1 MiB | 397 |
Empirical analysis of the value creation of sport organisations | 0.2 MiB | 831 |
Employment for disadvantaged groups via Sport events in South Africa : Sport Partners UK - South Africa | 0.1 MiB | 469 |
Evaluating the contribution of area youth games to English sports policy | 0.1 MiB | 428 |
Evalutating athletic coaches: Refining the scale of coaching performance | 0.2 MiB | 862 |
Extreme sports: What is the attraction? Explorating the spectator market for the "eight-second" sport-professional bull riding | 0.1 MiB | 576 |
Female power in Equestrian Sport: A sport with a difference | 0.2 MiB | 574 |
Flash! The Netherlands lifestyle campaign for the promotion of physical activity | 0.2 MiB | 416 |
Frequency of use of a fitness club in Tokyo | 84 KiB | 455 |
Girls Empowerment through sport: Experiences from the Edusport Go sisters! program in Zambia | 0.1 MiB | 943 |
Grounded theory method in sport management research | 0.1 MiB | 800 |
Higher education working in Africa, the opportunities and the challenges! Zambia - 'The real Africa' | 0.1 MiB | 398 |
How marketable is women's football in Europe? The case of the German Bundesliga | 0.1 MiB | 844 |
IKGYM: A functional quality system as management tool for voluntary board members | 0.2 MiB | 1457 |
Inclusive Sports Development in the Pacific region: Empowering disabled people through sport | 0.1 MiB | 470 |
Innovation in evaluation: Researching young people's perceptions of youth sport policy | 0.2 MiB | 414 |
Is there an effective football development policy network in England? A case study of the FA's charter standard scheme | 0.2 MiB | 487 |
Its Now Time To Manage Time! | 0.2 MiB | 429 |
Key economic success factors in professional sporting clubs | 0.2 MiB | 2493 |
Lawful and determined purposes - Required for legal personality of sport structures in Romania | 0.2 MiB | 734 |
Learning through Sport: Gateshead college sport academics | 0.1 MiB | 772 |
Leisure cards, Social Marketing, E- Governance and citizenship | 0.3 MiB | 1046 |
Life stress and health condition of elementary school students' mothers in Taipei | 78 KiB | 370 |
Local sports promotion at neighbourhood level in flanders | 0.1 MiB | 447 |
Managing high performance athletes | 0.2 MiB | 777 |
Manufacture of affordable leather balls in Sub-Saharan Africa | 0.1 MiB | 461 |
Methodologies to study low back pain in school children | 0.2 MiB | 419 |
Negative pasts: Football as an agent of change for problematic drug users | 0.2 MiB | 491 |
New boundaries for international assistance: Sport Aid in International Development | 0.2 MiB | 756 |
On profit in Spanish Professional Football | 0.1 MiB | 567 |
Organizational efficiency: The knowledge of regional sports associations in Oporto district | 0.2 MiB | 409 |
Physical Activity participation levels of adults in Yorkshire by local authority area | 0.2 MiB | 476 |
Physical Literacy - Definitions and delivery in Northern Ireland | 0.1 MiB | 533 |
Policy initiatives and the use of sport in the regeneration of communities: An exploration of two cities | 0.2 MiB | 452 |
Positioning federated sports in Portugal: Handball, Basketball, Roller Hockey, and Volleyball | 0.1 MiB | 511 |
Pressure and Hindrances to the employment of paid managers in voluntary sport clubs and federations in Germany | 0.2 MiB | 523 |
Primary Link with schools - Evidence of Social sport marketing | 0.2 MiB | 619 |
Profile of championship snowboarders | 0.2 MiB | 420 |
Recreation officers at resorts: An emerging sport tourism profession | 0.1 MiB | 807 |
Referees: Rugby's Frontline Managers | 0.2 MiB | 762 |
Relationship between motivation and enjoyment in youth soccer players: An exploratory analysis | 0.1 MiB | 641 |
Risk Assessment of Child Safety in Swimming pools | 0.2 MiB | 477 |
RTS Volunteers perceptions of support - A case study of active sports | 0.1 MiB | 424 |
Safe, Healthy, Swimming pool - The impact of Who and Cen standards | 86 KiB | 400 |
Social Capital and Exercise and Sport activities in local communities | 0.1 MiB | 425 |
Sport administration in a social context: Challenges for training | 84 KiB | 416 |
Sport and physical activity in the 21st century: Will it ever be inclusive and equitable? | 58 KiB | 651 |
Sport and the development of social capital among ethnic minorities | 0.1 MiB | 429 |
Sport and workplace health: The case of Canadian universities | 0.2 MiB | 429 |
Sport as a development tool in south Asia | 0.2 MiB | 413 |
Sport as a medium for personal and social change | 0.1 MiB | 438 |
Sport attractions: Addressing issues of commodification and authencity in tourism destinations | 0.2 MiB | 736 |
Sport community involvement: A new approach | 0.2 MiB | 381 |
Sport knowledge australia and the leading edge approach to professional education for the sport industry | 0.1 MiB | 398 |
Sport opportunities through formal education in the Republic of Ireland | 0.1 MiB | 635 |
Sporting a new role? Stadia and the property market | 0.2 MiB | 577 |
Sports tourism theory and method: Concepts, issues and epistemologies | 0.2 MiB | 1453 |
Steroids in sport: Addressing key issues to promote liberal education through sport | 0.2 MiB | 448 |
Street kids among the urban poor: Communities in the city of Gweru in Zimbabwe | 0.1 MiB | 422 |
Swimming pool technology in the 21st century | 57 KiB | 402 |
SWOT Analysis of Estonian Sport Education System | 0.2 MiB | 810 |
The Challenge of Class | 0.1 MiB | 452 |
The Contribution of the Fitness industry to the Public Health Agenda in the UK | 0.1 MiB | 1066 |
The economic impact of sport events: Critiquing the UK sport typology | 0.2 MiB | 2457 |
The economic impact of sport in England's East Midlands | 0.3 MiB | 627 |
The economic importance of sport in europe | 0.3 MiB | 1506 |
The education of sport managers in The Netherlands - Connecting sports practices and sports institutes | 0.2 MiB | 393 |
The effective management of a sports organuisation from a praxeological perspective | 0.1 MiB | 520 |
The effects of an outdoor experiential programme on social identification | 0.1 MiB | 585 |
The implementation of volunteer and service learning projects in sport management curriculum | 85 KiB | 389 |
The management of voluntary sport clubs and the impact it has on sport participation | 0.1 MiB | 573 |
The Norweigan sports city program's social benefits | 0.2 MiB | 499 |
The power of partnership: City of Sunderland & Specialist Federations Coordinating & Developing PE & Sport | 0.1 MiB | 408 |
The power of sport business: Chance and risks of a "Second privatization" of sports associations in Germany | 0.2 MiB | 453 |
The Power of Sport for Community action: Kazemba Village, Zambia | 0.2 MiB | 515 |
The primary economic impact of visitors at major multi-sport-events - A theoretical approach | 0.2 MiB | 754 |
The Real Madrid way: A case of the proto-image of the firm approach | 0.1 MiB | 1378 |
The Realtionship between Organisational Structure and Effectiveness in Belgian Soccer clubs | 0.2 MiB | 916 |
The relationship between season ticket holder satisfaction, sponsor recall and sponsor-related behaviours | 0.2 MiB | 516 |
The role of sport managers in the transfer of sport science to high performance coaching in Canada | 0.3 MiB | 466 |
The study of prediction model of customer development in a Taiwanese sport and health club | 63 KiB | 561 |
The value of sports: Measuring brand equity through aesthetic images | 0.2 MiB | 428 |
Transnational higher education & sport management programmes: Challenges and benefits | 0.1 MiB | 399 |
Trends in Sports Participation in Britain: 1977 - 2002 | 0.2 MiB | 1034 |
Twenty20 Cricket: Proactive relationship management in 21st century cricket - A cross cultural study | 0.2 MiB | 402 |
Understanding Golf Tourism: Insights from role theory | 0.2 MiB | 922 |
Understanding patterns of volunteering commitment amongst third level students | 0.1 MiB | 455 |
Understanding sport spectators' emotions: Affective experience and affective reaction | 0.1 MiB | 858 |
Universities as part of the community: A case study from the North East England | 0.2 MiB | 483 |
Use and Effectiveness of Pull through advertisments embedded into televised sporting programmes | 0.1 MiB | 816 |
Using database marketing to build customer relationships: Opportunities for sport managers | 0.2 MiB | 942 |
Using the power of a major sporting event to stimulate community regeneration: Football''s coming home (Womens Euro 2005 Legacy programme) | 93 KiB | 621 |
Wellness - Tackling obesity in Sunderland & The Northern region | 0.1 MiB | 459 |
What was it like? Th experience (so far)of doing a social account of jesmond swimming project | 0.1 MiB | 495 |
Who is willing to pay for watching sport on TV? | 0.2 MiB | 436 |
Women into sport | 0.1 MiB | 400 |