"It's results that count" - Impression management in football club financial reporting 0.2 MiB670
'Kill one, scare thousands': A critical appraisal of the risk of a terrorist attack at a sporting occasion 0.2 MiB607
A global investigation of basketball coaches' profession: Initial findings and future orientation0.1 MiB480
Addressing English football's stadium naming rights dilemma: towards a model of good practise0.3 MiB874
Adventure Sport Tourism in Rural revitalisation : An ethnographic evaluation0.2 MiB1689
An analysis of operating management process in elite sport systems - Pilot study results0.2 MiB470
An evaluation of medal-based measures of performance in the summer Olympic games0.3 MiB816
An examination of the changing motivations of volunteers over the course of their involvement in sport0.2 MiB454
An international comparison of the elite sport climate and elite sport policies in seven countries (SPLISS)0.4 MiB1556
Applying the concept of social world to the study of winter sport tourists0.2 MiB509
Between Tradition, Modernity, and Post modernity: the roles of muslim women in sports adminstration and leadership0.1 MiB420
Building a Legacy? Euro 2005 and the Impact of Women's football in North West England0.2 MiB517
Building community sport partnerships: Using sport and physical activity as a partnership tool0.1 MiB649
Business elements in sport: Qualitative factors affecting the sport sponsorship strategies of Hungarian soccer clubs 0.1 MiB639
Can sport action zones facilitate the achievement of UK government physical activity targets 0.1 MiB591
Canada's performance in the pool: Sink or Swim?0.2 MiB454
Climbing tourism - A chance to revitalise low mountain range destinations? 0.2 MiB447
Commercialisation and the development of new modes of organisation in Norwegian Football 0.2 MiB432
Communities on the move in The Netherlands 0.2 MiB446
Community Sport - The development of a monitoring and evaluation framework and baseline0.2 MiB616
Comparing female college athletes & non-athletes for indicators of risk and eating disorder, body fat & BMI 0.1 MiB492
Competition law issues for new media sports rights in Europe 0.2 MiB667
Competitive intensity in European football0.3 MiB983
Constraints and facilitators to physically active leisure of international students 0.2 MiB427
Consumer interest, awareness, and intent to purchase: A three country study of Olympic sponsorship0.2 MiB681
Contemporary Sports business issues: Sports social responsibility at Middlesbrough Football Club0.1 MiB559
Corporate Reputation: A sport consumer analysis0.2 MiB571
Culture and tacit knowledge in sport organizations87 KiB421
Customer exit: An analysis of why members discontinue membership of health clubs 0.1 MiB1968
Disability sport in the UK: Do we need another powwow? 0.2 MiB481
Do sport management graduates end up in sport management jobs? 0.2 MiB622
Does Elite collegiate sport develop the business leaders of tomorrow?0.1 MiB453
Does organizational change foster unintended results? 0.2 MiB416
Dunking Aids Out : Games approach to HIV/AIDS Education0.1 MiB580
E-Learning training for sport managers : The Olympia Case0.1 MiB399
Effects of practicum courses on managerial competences for sport events 0.1 MiB396
Empirical analysis of the value creation of sport organisations 0.2 MiB830
Employment for disadvantaged groups via Sport events in South Africa : Sport Partners UK - South Africa0.1 MiB468
Evaluating the contribution of area youth games to English sports policy0.1 MiB427
Evalutating athletic coaches: Refining the scale of coaching performance 0.2 MiB861
Extreme sports: What is the attraction? Explorating the spectator market for the "eight-second" sport-professional bull riding 0.1 MiB575
Female power in Equestrian Sport: A sport with a difference0.2 MiB573
Flash! The Netherlands lifestyle campaign for the promotion of physical activity 0.2 MiB415
Frequency of use of a fitness club in Tokyo84 KiB454
Girls Empowerment through sport: Experiences from the Edusport Go sisters! program in Zambia0.1 MiB942
Grounded theory method in sport management research 0.1 MiB799
Higher education working in Africa, the opportunities and the challenges! Zambia - 'The real Africa' 0.1 MiB397
How marketable is women's football in Europe? The case of the German Bundesliga0.1 MiB843
IKGYM: A functional quality system as management tool for voluntary board members0.2 MiB1456
Inclusive Sports Development in the Pacific region: Empowering disabled people through sport 0.1 MiB469
Innovation in evaluation: Researching young people's perceptions of youth sport policy0.2 MiB413
Is there an effective football development policy network in England? A case study of the FA's charter standard scheme0.2 MiB486
Its Now Time To Manage Time!0.2 MiB428
Key economic success factors in professional sporting clubs0.2 MiB2492
Lawful and determined purposes - Required for legal personality of sport structures in Romania0.2 MiB733
Learning through Sport: Gateshead college sport academics0.1 MiB771
Leisure cards, Social Marketing, E- Governance and citizenship0.3 MiB1045
Life stress and health condition of elementary school students' mothers in Taipei78 KiB369
Local sports promotion at neighbourhood level in flanders0.1 MiB446
Managing high performance athletes0.2 MiB776
Manufacture of affordable leather balls in Sub-Saharan Africa0.1 MiB460
Methodologies to study low back pain in school children 0.2 MiB418
Negative pasts: Football as an agent of change for problematic drug users0.2 MiB490
New boundaries for international assistance: Sport Aid in International Development 0.2 MiB755
On profit in Spanish Professional Football0.1 MiB566
Organizational efficiency: The knowledge of regional sports associations in Oporto district0.2 MiB408
Physical Activity participation levels of adults in Yorkshire by local authority area0.2 MiB475
Physical Literacy - Definitions and delivery in Northern Ireland0.1 MiB532
Policy initiatives and the use of sport in the regeneration of communities: An exploration of two cities 0.2 MiB451
Positioning federated sports in Portugal: Handball, Basketball, Roller Hockey, and Volleyball0.1 MiB510
Pressure and Hindrances to the employment of paid managers in voluntary sport clubs and federations in Germany 0.2 MiB522
Primary Link with schools - Evidence of Social sport marketing0.2 MiB618
Profile of championship snowboarders0.2 MiB419
Recreation officers at resorts: An emerging sport tourism profession0.1 MiB806
Referees: Rugby's Frontline Managers0.2 MiB761
Relationship between motivation and enjoyment in youth soccer players: An exploratory analysis0.1 MiB640
Risk Assessment of Child Safety in Swimming pools 0.2 MiB476
RTS Volunteers perceptions of support - A case study of active sports0.1 MiB423
Safe, Healthy, Swimming pool - The impact of Who and Cen standards86 KiB399
Social Capital and Exercise and Sport activities in local communities0.1 MiB424
Sport administration in a social context: Challenges for training 84 KiB415
Sport and physical activity in the 21st century: Will it ever be inclusive and equitable?58 KiB650
Sport and the development of social capital among ethnic minorities 0.1 MiB428
Sport and workplace health: The case of Canadian universities0.2 MiB428
Sport as a development tool in south Asia0.2 MiB412
Sport as a medium for personal and social change0.1 MiB437
Sport attractions: Addressing issues of commodification and authencity in tourism destinations 0.2 MiB735
Sport community involvement: A new approach 0.2 MiB380
Sport knowledge australia and the leading edge approach to professional education for the sport industry 0.1 MiB397
Sport opportunities through formal education in the Republic of Ireland 0.1 MiB634
Sporting a new role? Stadia and the property market0.2 MiB576
Sports tourism theory and method: Concepts, issues and epistemologies0.2 MiB1452
Steroids in sport: Addressing key issues to promote liberal education through sport 0.2 MiB447
Street kids among the urban poor: Communities in the city of Gweru in Zimbabwe 0.1 MiB421
Swimming pool technology in the 21st century57 KiB401
SWOT Analysis of Estonian Sport Education System 0.2 MiB809
The Challenge of Class0.1 MiB451
The Contribution of the Fitness industry to the Public Health Agenda in the UK0.1 MiB1065
The economic impact of sport events: Critiquing the UK sport typology0.2 MiB2456
The economic impact of sport in England's East Midlands0.3 MiB626
The economic importance of sport in europe 0.3 MiB1505
The education of sport managers in The Netherlands - Connecting sports practices and sports institutes 0.2 MiB392
The effective management of a sports organuisation from a praxeological perspective 0.1 MiB519
The effects of an outdoor experiential programme on social identification 0.1 MiB584
The implementation of volunteer and service learning projects in sport management curriculum85 KiB388
The management of voluntary sport clubs and the impact it has on sport participation0.1 MiB572
The Norweigan sports city program's social benefits 0.2 MiB498
The power of partnership: City of Sunderland & Specialist Federations Coordinating & Developing PE & Sport0.1 MiB407
The power of sport business: Chance and risks of a "Second privatization" of sports associations in Germany 0.2 MiB452
The Power of Sport for Community action: Kazemba Village, Zambia0.2 MiB514
The primary economic impact of visitors at major multi-sport-events - A theoretical approach 0.2 MiB753
The Real Madrid way: A case of the proto-image of the firm approach0.1 MiB1377
The Realtionship between Organisational Structure and Effectiveness in Belgian Soccer clubs0.2 MiB915
The relationship between season ticket holder satisfaction, sponsor recall and sponsor-related behaviours0.2 MiB515
The role of sport managers in the transfer of sport science to high performance coaching in Canada0.3 MiB465
The study of prediction model of customer development in a Taiwanese sport and health club63 KiB560
The value of sports: Measuring brand equity through aesthetic images0.2 MiB427
Transnational higher education & sport management programmes: Challenges and benefits 0.1 MiB398
Trends in Sports Participation in Britain: 1977 - 20020.2 MiB1033
Twenty20 Cricket: Proactive relationship management in 21st century cricket - A cross cultural study 0.2 MiB401
Understanding Golf Tourism: Insights from role theory 0.2 MiB921
Understanding patterns of volunteering commitment amongst third level students 0.1 MiB454
Understanding sport spectators' emotions: Affective experience and affective reaction0.1 MiB857
Universities as part of the community: A case study from the North East England0.2 MiB482
Use and Effectiveness of Pull through advertisments embedded into televised sporting programmes0.1 MiB815
Using database marketing to build customer relationships: Opportunities for sport managers0.2 MiB941
Using the power of a major sporting event to stimulate community regeneration: Football''s coming home (Womens Euro 2005 Legacy programme) 93 KiB620
Wellness - Tackling obesity in Sunderland & The Northern region0.1 MiB458
What was it like? Th experience (so far)of doing a social account of jesmond swimming project0.1 MiB494
Who is willing to pay for watching sport on TV? 0.2 MiB435
Women into sport 0.1 MiB399