21 Feb Call for Papers
Call for Papers
Start of Submissions/Registrations: 10th February
Deadline for Submissions: 17th April (23.59 CET)
The Scientific and Programme Committee of 28th European Sport Management Conference of the European Association for Sport Management (EASM) invites scholars and practitioners to submit abstracts to be considered for presentation. Additionally, we invite short papers to be considered for the EASM Best Conference Paper Award 2020 and for the ESMQ New Researcher Award 2020 for young scientific scholars. Reviewers contributing to assessing and progressing colleagues’ work in an excellent manner as part of the peer-review process will be awarded with the EASM Best Conference Reviewer Award 2020.
The London 2020 conference theme is “Relentless Change: Innovation in Sport Business”. In that respect, submissions that particularly, but not exclusively, relate to the conference theme are encouraged. Contributors have the opportunity to present in Parallel Sessions, Workshops, and attractive Poster Sessions during the conference.
The main aim of all conference sessions is to encourage participants from across fields to share knowledge, provide new insights and inspire the future of sport management. Sessions also offer a platform to create inter- and cross-disciplinary contacts and collaborations.
Please review the conference website www.easm2020.com for full information on the conference content, submission requirements, awards and registration as well as further details about the wonderful city London. Abstract submissions should be made through the ConfTool system.
Parallel Sessions
In Parallel Sessions, every presenter gives a maximum 12-minute oral presentation with additional 5 minutes for discussion. Our Parallel Session topics are:
- Sport Governance and Policy
- Strategy, Leadership and Stakeholder Management in Sport
- Sport Marketing
- Sport Consumer Behaviour
- Sport Events and Tourism
- Sport, Media and Communication
- E-Sport and Technology
- Sport Facility Management
- Sport Funding and Finance
- Sport Law and Ethics
- Public Health and Physical Activity Management
- Sport Development and Socio-Cultural Perspectives
- Sport Management Education
- Broader, New and Critical Aspects of Sport Management
- Innovation in Sport Business
- Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Sport Management
Our Workshops aim to stimulate discussions and intellectual engagement between participants on a particular subtheme. They may be outcome-focussed, e.g. channel work into special issues; to integrate theory and practice; shift existing fields; or map out new sport management territory. Convenors design their Workshops by embracing a format and flow that enable collaboration and participant experiences different to traditional conference sessions. Details about each Workshop, including submission requirements, are available at Workshop tab. This year, we invite submissions towards the following Workshops:
- Managing Inclusion and Accessibility in Sport
- The Incredible Growth of Esport: Exploring the Opportunities and Challenges of this Dynamic, Global Industry
- Impact and Public Value of Elite Sport: Benefits and Harms (ESMQ 2021 Special Issue)
- Running events in Europe: Social, Economic and Psychological
- Environmental Matters in Sport Management
- Innovation in Sport for Development and Peace
- Run for health project (ERASMUS funded)
Poster Session
The Poster Session is divided in two parts: first, contributors provide short oral presentations (3-minutes) to the whole audience; then, presenters position themselves next to their respective poster for individual Q&A’s and discussion. Submissions relating to any sport management topic are welcomed.
ESMQ New Researcher Award (NRA) 2020
The NRA, sponsored by Routledge Journals, is for the best original theoretical or empirical advance and significant unpublished contribution in sport management. To be eligible for this award, researchers must be near to completion of their PhD or have graduated less than three years prior to submission. Full details are available at ESMQ NRA tab.
Developing Future Sport Management Researchers and Practitioners
We invite undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD research students to apply/register for the EASM Student Seminar or, respectively, the EASM PhD Student Seminar, which take place just before the main conference. Full participant status at the scientific conference is included in the registration fee. Further details are available at the Student Seminar and PhD Seminar tabs.
For your inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the Chair of the Scientific and Programme Committee London 2020, Guillaume Bodet (EASM Scientific Chair, guillaume.bodet@univ-lyon1.fr). If you like to join our large international community of conference abstract reviewer by offering your expertise and valuable time, please email Gui (incl. contact details, preferred tracks/topics).
Submission Guidelines
Submission deadline is 17th April 2020 (23.59 CET). Abstracts submitted after the deadline will not be considered. Abstracts can be submitted online Please see key dates related to the submission, review, registration and programming process here. Abstract submissions should be made through the ConfTool system.
Abstracts not complying with the Abstract Submission Guidelines provided on this page will bounce back before entering the review process and authors will be asked to resubmit.
Abstracts can be submitted in two categories:
- Scientific Abstract (including scientific work to be submitted to the Poster Session);
- Professional Practice Abstract (including practice contributions submitted to the Poster Session).
For an Abstract to enter the review process and be considered for presentation during the conference the following guidelines must be adhered to:
- Length: the overall text length of an Abstract has to be between 650 and 800 words, i.e. excluding title, author names and references (maximum 6 references).
- Text only: Abstracts should include text only, i.e. images (pictures, figures, and tables) are not accepted.
- Title: use a brief title to clearly indicate the nature of the research/project/contribution; capitalise the first letter of each word; do not use abbreviations in the title.
- Author names: Provide names of all authors, their institutional affiliation, and e-mail address during the online submission process.
- Language: Abstracts have to be in English language
- Formatting and style guide: APA tandf.co.uk/journals/authors/style/reference/tf_APA.pdf
Scientific Abstracts should be structured using the following sections *:
- Aim and Research Questions
- Theoretical Background and Literature Review
- Research Design, Methodology and Data Analysis
- Results/Findings and Discussion **
- Conclusion, Contribution and Implication **
- References (maximum 6; to be entered in extra box during the submission process)
* The structure should only be altered if clearly justified by the nature of the submission and contribution (e.g. conceptual work).** In case that the results/findings for a Scientific Abstract are not yet available at the time of Abstract submission, authors have to mention this by guaranteeing that they have the results by the time of the conference. They should provide a preview of the nature of the results/findings as well as envisioned contribution/implications.
For Professional Practice Abstracts the following sections are recommended ***:
- Statement that Abstract relates to professional practice (mandatory)
- Aim
- Purpose and Background
- Design and Implementation
- Outputs/Outcomes, Reflections and Future Development
- References (if applicable)
***In addition, such a structure might better work for scholarly contributions towards the Parallel Sessions ‘Sport Management Education’ and ‘Sport Law and Ethics’ if they are not concerned with scientific/empirical research in a common sense. For example, sport management education contributions might be concerned with innovative approaches to curriculum development, learning environments and (higher) education management/policy (yet, please keep in mind that your Abstract should not be a sales pitch for a certain program, but rather a discussion of ‘best practices’ and sharing learnings that other members of the EASM community may find inspiring and useful).
Importantly, please note the following conference policy:
- Author restrictions: maximum of 1 paper first-authored and 3 papers co-authored.
- Presenter restrictions: maximum of 2 presentations per participant; the presenting author (as indicated and – if needed – updated in the system by the submitting author) must have registered and paid the conference fee by 13 July to avoid exclusion from conference programme and book of abstracts