08 Oct Call for proposals: ESMQ Special Issue 2016
ESMQ is requesting for proposals for the special issue 2016! The ESMQ board has set out the following guidelines for guest editors of forthcoming special issues.
Guest editors are invited to submit proposals for special issues. Proposals should explain the relevance of the topic, the purpose of the special issue, examples of themes and sub-themes, as well as names of potential contributors. These proposals are discussed and selected by the ESMQ board members. The DEADLINE for submissions is NOVEMBER 1st 2013.
Guest editors are expected to organize a special workshop during the following EASM conference (2014 in Coventry). This workshop will allow to collect a substantial number of potential manuscripts on the topic, which can then be included the in the special issue to appear the following year (deadline for print November 2015). Publication will then be the first issue of ESMQ in 2016.
Guest editors must coordinate the double blind review process for each submitted article to the special issue (from January – October 2015). The quality of the reviewing process is of highest importance therefore, guest reviewers are required to indicate a pool of potential reviewers for the special issue.
In summary, this is a two year process:
1. Submit special issue proposal until 1. November 2013 (esmq@uni-mainz.de<mailto:esmq@uni-mainz.de>)
2. Special issue topic is assigned during the EASM conference 2014
3. The guest editor(s) is (are) required to organize workshop on the topic in Coventry 2014.
4. Following the workshop, materials for the special issues can be submitted.
5. The double blind review process takes place with a panel of highly qualified reviewers (in 2015).
5. Special issue to be appear in the first issue 2016 – however iFirst (online) publication can happen already in 2015.
We are looking forward to receiving your suggestions and proposals.
Please send to: Holger Preuss, Editor ESMQ (esmq@uni-mainz.de)
Yours Holger Preuss