Hosting the European Sport Management Conference in your city offers you a variety of benefits. We expect a minimum number of 400-500 conference delegates, which guarantees your city an international audience with key persons from the world of sport. Furthermore, the conference provides you with the opportunity to promote and further develop the field of sport management in your city, region and country. Highly distinguished academics and professionals from all over the world will come to the conference in order to discuss latest issues, trends, and developments in the field of sport management. This includes organising the EASM Student Seminar for Bachelor and Master Students in sport management, and the EASM PhD Student Seminar, which is significant part of the sustainable development of the Sport Management field.
For more information please do not hesitate to contact EASM’s General Secretary, Anton Behrens (
If you are interested in hosting the European Sport Management Conference in 2028 in your city, please express your interest by contacting EASM’s General Secretary, Anton Behrens ( Please send a formal letter on behalf of the hosting organisation, which could be either a university or a consortium of universities and sport organisations, before 31 May 2025 at the latest, which expresses the commitment and willingness to host the EASM Conference. Please note, that at least one university has to be involved in the bidding process.
More detailed information about the conference organisation, the bidding process, and specific requirements are documented in the Conference White Book which will be sent on request to those organisations who expressed an interest in hosting The European Sport Management Conference.