
After the 2014 Inaugural Conference of the World Association for Sport Management in Madrid, Spain, the 3rd WASM Conference will move to Santiago de Chile in 2019 where the Universidad Santo Tomás will be the host university in association with the Chilean Olympic Committee. This time,...

The National Sports Governance Observer (NSGO) study is proudly presenting its final report. EASM is a research partner in the ‘National Sports Governance Observer: Benchmarking sports governance across national boundaries’, which is an EU funded study carried out among the most important sports federations in Belgium...

The EASM Board is pleased to present to its members four strong applications for the EASM Nominations Committee:   Anna Gerke Audencia Business School, Paris       I would like to put myself forward as a candidate for the EASM Nominations Committee. I have had first experience in this committee, which...

The Scientific Committee of the 27th European Sport Management Conference 2019 in Seville invites sport management scholars and practitioners to organise workshops on various sub-themes of sport management at our annual conference. Workshops aim to share knowledge, encourage stimulating discussion and intellectual engagement between participants on a...

The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) published the selection results of the Erasmus+ Sport - Call for proposals. EASM is extremely proud and happy that the project under the title 'Promoting health enhancing physical activity and social welfare through outdoor running events' of which EASM...

Exploring new routes within brand research in Sport Management   After a very successful special issue workshop during the 26th European Sport Management Conference in Malmö with inspiring presentations and lively discussions, the submission deadline for this ESMQ special issue is approaching: November 30, 2018. Submissions that discuss...

On 6th - 7th June 2018, the Scholarly Society of Sport Management (S2MS) was created. It is a France-based association bringing together French-speaking people involved in sportmanagement research (academic, applied or operational), whether they are researchers, teachers, and/or professionals in the public or private sectors. With about one...