
CIMSPA Invites You to Have Your Say on Senior Management Standards   Download a Copy of the CIMSPA Senior Management Standards Consultation Portal Link   The Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA) is the professional development body for the UK’s sport and physical activity sector,...

Call for Workshop Proposals Deadline for submissions: 16th December 2019   The Scientific Committee of The European Sport Management Conference invites sport management scholars and practitioners to organise Workshops on various subthemes of sport management at our annual conference   28th EASM European Sport Management Conference Loughborough University London (UK), 16-19 September 2020.   Activate, Engage, Discuss...

EASM is proud to announce that the association has become a member of the Consultative Committee of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) of the Council of Europe. The Consultative Committee of EPAS  currently consists of 26 sport NGOs advising the Governing Board of EPAS...

Societal Impacts of Elite Sport: Positives & Negatives   Relevance of the topic   In the early twenty-first century, elite sport[i] became an increasingly important policy priority (Green, 2009). When facing the challenge of justifying investments in elite sport to the public, elite sport policymakers tend to argue that...

At the first meeting of the newly elected EASM Board, Stefan Walzel was unanimously confirmed and officially appointed as Secretary General. Furthermore, Emma Baker and Christian Overduin introduced themselves as candidates for the board position as student representatives. The Board appointed Christian Overduin to the...