Board Meeting

04sepAll Day05Board Meeting

Event Details

Meeting Chair: Vassil Girginov (EASM President)
Participants: Tim Breitbarth (TB); Ruth Crabtree (RC); Stefan Walzel (SW); Gerco Van Dalfsen (GvD); Christian Germelmann (CG); Aila Ahonen (AA); Christos Anagnostopoulos (CA); Guillaume Bodet (GB), Irena Valantine (IV); Jakob Wilkenstål (JW)
Apologies: Paul Downward (PD)

Tuesday 04 Sep 2018

1. Opening of the Meeting and Approval of the Agenda

2. EASM Conference – Malmo, Sweden

SW reported that 491 people were registered for the conference.
The student seminar has commenced.
The PhD seminar commences today.
TB commented that the scientific committee has prepared well and the programme is in place.

3. Annual General Meeting

Preparations of the AGM are completed as well as elections and voting rights.
Karen Danylchuk will be the Chair of the 2018 EASM AGM. The EASM AGM report and applicants for the EASM Board have been uploaded on the EASM website.
Paul Jonson will report on the process and changes made to the charters and byelaws within the AGM.

4. Partnerships & Sponsorship Opportunities

Patrick Nally will be visiting the conference for a few days to gain an understanding of what EASM does and to gage what type of partners EASM may want to work with.

5. EASM Financial Update

CG reported that the EASM finances are looking healthy and the main income streams (conference income and T&F royalties) remain stable. Some money has been invested into the office relocation and consultancy.

6. Review – Membership Benefits Structure

Discussion took place regarding membership benefits.

7. EASM Strategic Plan

The board agreed that the strategic plan should be published once measurable targets have been added.

GB comments that the priorities could also serve as structure for the EASM annual report.

The board agreed that the research project “Membership survey on value creation by membership” is this year’s internal research project.

VG reminded the board that activities like creating training materials (e.g., for sport executives) are contingent on getting financial support. Activities to support EASM’s teaching mission are needed.
RC reminded the board that there are already teaching activities in place, in particular the EASM Summer School and the EASM Student Seminar.
CA reminded the board that GReFORM will advance teaching in terms of creating a platform for governance. Further, there was also a Webinar on Teaching (CG and Dr. Maximilian Stieler).

Workshops in certain regions of Europe were suggested with the support expressed by partner organisations. Sustainability of such investments would need to be ensured.

Relationships with WASM and GAISF are being built. It was suggested to work more closely with the UNESCO and other sporting bodies, e.g. EOSE, GReFORM.


8. Sport Management Library

Two avenues are being pursued:

1) European funding (Pan European Application)— position of the UK needs to be considered, and
2) external funding from sponsoring.


9. Involving the new board members

Inform all new board members about the opportunities of engagement. One member of the board should be found to shadow TB as Scientific Chair of EASM.


10. AOB

CG reported that Summer School 2018 that has moved from Bayreuth to Spain was a success.
SMAB was responsible for the teaching schedule and the content of the lectures. GB is responsible for all other business around the Summer School from advertising, contracting, financial settlements and organization in general.

JW reported that the student sport management club has started and taken off successfully.

The SC has identified Prof. Chris Horbel from the University of Southern Denmark as ideal successor in leading the PhD Seminar.
TB informed the board that he is willing to continue as Scientific Chair initially for one year.

The board decided that the EASM Research Fellow Award shall be installed.

CA reported about the status of GReFORM. CA invites board members to take part in the roundtable discussion at the workshop in Patras. SW suggested to officially name a board member or a member of the EASM community to be the official EASM liaison for GReFORM.


Wednesday 5th September 


11. Update 27th European Sport Management Conference (ESMC) in Seville – Guest: Gerardo Bielons, Pablo Burillo (PB) & Alvaro Fernande-Luna (AFD)

GB updated the Board with all the latest developments reg preparations for the 27th ESMC.
CA will be the liaison officer between LOC for the 27th ESMC and EASM board.


12. Update 28th European Sport Management Conference in London

More information and clarity is required from the London LOC.


14. EASM Conference White Book and call for bids for 2022

A possible new structure of the White Book was proposed and discussed.
The Call for Proposals for EASM 2022 will be announced shortly.


15. Evaluation of what we do well and what needs improving in the work of the EASM

It was suggested that this self-reflection (at Board level) should be an annual exercise.
It is believed that the move of the office to Cologne has been smooth and effective.
An EASM Board Calendar was suggested, so dates/times for (Skype) meetings and other activities will facilitate the tasks needs doing from Board members.
More support from all Board Members towards the Executive was requested.


16. AOB




september 4 (Tuesday) - 5 (Wednesday)


Malmö Live

Dag Hammarskjölds Torg 4, 211 18 Malmö, Schweden
