How to become an EASM Board Member

Do you want to become an EASM Board Member?

Do you have a passion to work in sport management? Would you like to extend your international network and improve your inter-cultural skills?  Do you “want to give something back to society”?  Have you gained experience with EASM conferences? Do you like the goals and the culture of EASM? Are you keen to work with like-minded people from across Europe and the globe? Above all, do you want to have fun and bring a bit of humour into your working life?


If you respond “yes” to each of these questions, then read on.


The EASM Board is made up of volunteers from across Europe who work together to fulfill the main aims of EASM. To help you decide, below you can find some helpful advice regarding what the activity entails and the criteria needed to become an EASM board member. On the bottom of this page, you can find the application form and deadlines.

Essential Criteria

• To be able to effectively contribute to the work of EASM and demonstrate excellent teamwork and project management skills
• Be self-motivated and able to work both independently or as part of a team
• Able to take responsibility and to work accurately and methodically
• Possess good communication and interpersonal skills
• Ability to think strategically
• Possess cultural competencies
• High levels of enthusiasm and commitment
• Ability to deliver on deadlines
• Friendly and helpful

Specific Competencies

• As EASM undertakes various work and projects, depending on the competencies of the Board at any given time, specific competencies and skills may be required. Such areas could include: legal knowledge of the industry; practitioner based competencies; research, event management, facility and operational; financial skills; grant applications etc.
• All meetings and correspondence undertaken by EASM are in English; hence, all Board members should have good verbal and written skills.

EASM Expectations

• Board members are expected to attend two in-person Board meetings per year. Board meetings usually take place during the EASM Conference in September, and also spring each year.
• Board members will be assigned individual projects and tasks related to the EASM aims and expected to report back regarding developments and progress.
• All Board members are required to be involved in helping to organise and coordinate the key work undertaken by EASM including: the Annual EASM Conference, EASM Student Seminar; EASM PhD Seminar; EASM Summer School; the European Sport Management Quarterly and other projects associated with EASM. All members are expected to help write the EASM Annual Report that is presented at the AGM each year.

2025 Board elections

The year 2025 marks an election year for the European Association for Sport Management. With the exception of the ESMQ Editor, the entire EASM Board will be up for appointment, as all EASM board members current three-year-term expires this year.


The EASM Board is made up of volunteers from across Europe who work together to fulfil the main aims of EASM. The EASM Board consists of eight elected Board Members:


  • 1 President,
  • 1 Vice-President,
  • 1 Treasurer,
  • 5 General Directors

and three appointed ones (student representative, ESMQ editor, Secretary General).


The current EASM President, Dr Vassil Girginov (UK), current EASM Vice-President, Karin Book (SWE), and current EASM Treasurer, Aila Ahonen (FIN), will not be available for re-elections in their respective roles on the Executive Committee, as the statutes and bye-laws allow a maximum of two terms.


The EASM Nominations Committee invites all EASM members to nominate suitable candidates and/or to put themselves forward.


Interested individuals are encouraged to submit their application by 25th July 2025, 12 noon CET to the Chair of the Nominations Committee, Guillaume Bodet (


Candidates will be introduced to the EASM family on the website on 18th August  2025 at the latest.


The electronic voting will take place 25th August – 01st September 2025. All EASM members will receive a personal invitation to vote electronically. Your vote counts, so please make sure you cast it during the specified period.

Take note of these specific EASM Statutes paragraphs
The Board of EASM shall comprise eleven (11) persons being:


a) Eight (8) persons elected by the members of EASM;
b) A student member appointed by the elected Board members;
c) The ESMQ Editor appointed by the ESMQ Editorial Board; and
d) The Secretary General who shall be appointed by the Board.
The Board shall be constituted as set out in the Bye-Laws, but not more than 75% of the elected Board Members may be male and not more than 75% may be female. No one nation may ever have more than two of the elected members of the Board.

Balanced Board and Nationality


a) The General Assembly (and Nominations Committee in seeking candidates) should strive for geographical, national and gender equity and balance in the membership of the Board and
(i) At least 4 members of the Board shall be male and at least 4 members shall be female;
(ii) Not more than two of the elected members of the Board may be from any one nation.
b) A person’s Nationality shall be determined by their Passport or National Identity Card. In the event they hold two or more Passports or National Identity Cards, their nationality shall be deemed to be that of their place of birth and if no longer a nation then the place in which they are permanently domiciled. This definition of Nationality applies throughout this Charter.



Nomination of candidates for election to the Board may be submitted by any two full or institutional members of EASM, who must be eligible to vote at the Annual General Meeting, provided that such nomination is deposited with the Secretary-General in writing not less than 42 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. The nomination should specify for which position on the Board the candidate has been nominated. A candidate may nominate for any number of positions on the Board but may only hold one position and must accept the first position to which they are elected.