17 Jan EASM Award Proposals
EASM Award Proposals
The Chelladurai Award – is a prestigious EASM award and recognises life-long achievement in the field of sport management.
Criteria: the nominee must meet the following:
- Have made significant contributions to the field in terms of scholarship, research, leadership, and attained peer recognition
- Have a minimum of ten years’ service in sport management as a teacher, researcher, administrator, or combination of thereof
- Must reflect EASM’s values in leadership, service, scholarship, and collegiality.
- Have been an EASM member in good standing of at least 10 years (in total)
The EASM Distinguished Service Award – recognises a member’s significant involvement and service to the work of EASM. The accolade is intended to acknowledge the value and contribution made in fulfilling the aims of EASM within a voluntary capacity.
Criteria: the nominee must meet the following:
- Served in a voluntary capacity to help fulfil the aims of EASM within a formal, recognised role
- Demonstrated professionalism, collegiality and expertise whilst undertaking various roles within EASM
- Acted within a respectful manner, demonstrating the EASM values of inclusivity, collaboration and integrity
- Have been an EASM member in good standing of at least 10 years (in total)
Nomination Procedure:
The deadline for the EASM Awards is April 20th Each year. Information required for award nomination includes:
- Name of Nominee
- Name of Nominator
- Signature of Nominator and date
Nominators must be EASM members in good standing and should email the nomination to the Chair of the Award Selection Committee as appointed by the EASM Board. This is currently Professor Tracy Taylor. The nomination must specifically describe the nominee’s accomplishments in relation to the award criteria (max 2 pages). It is recommended that up to two letters/testimonials of support be included in the nomination. The Committee may subsequently request additional information from the nominator. All nominations will be assessed in confidence.
Submission Process:
Individuals who accept their nomination will be asked to submit a CV and a two-page statement describing their qualifications for the award. These items must be submitted no later than July 1st.
NOTE: It is expected that the Chelladurai Award recipient will deliver a scholarly lecture at the Annual EASM conference.