EASM Sports Organisation Award

About the Award

The “EASM Sports Organisation Award” is attributed once a year. The award is formally hand over during the EASM conference to a representative of the winning sports organisation. Each EASM member is entitled to submit one proposal per year (i.e. to suggest one sports organisation) for this award.

To be eligible, a sports organisation must have recently supported an ambitious research project led by one or several academic researchers. This support may have taken various forms (e.g. funding and other resources, access to information/data). It must have led both to academic publication(s), preferably in sport management journal (already published or in review), and to some concrete actions taken by the sports organisations based on the findings of the research.

A joint presentation by a researcher having been actively involved in the research project and a representative of the sports organisation take place during the EASM conference where the award is attributed, highlighting the cooperation between the sports organisation and the research team (this presentation can be part of a track/workshop fitting with the topic of the research).


The sports organisation must be suggested by a member of EASM by the June 30th by submitting the application to Chair of the Award Committee, Aila Ahonen (Aila.Ahonen@jamk.fi) before the 30th of June 2025, consisting of:

  • A detailed description of the research project
  • Description of the support provided by the sport organisation
  • Reasoning which decision(s)/concrete action(s) have been taken by the sport organisation based on the outcomes of the research project
  • A list of academic publications (minimum one) related to this research project (ideally, publication in an academic journal, but can also be a paper currently under review by such a journal.
  • Name and contact details of the main researcher(s) involved in the research project
  • Name and contact detail of the main representative(s) of the sports organisation involved in the project.
Award Winners
Salzkammergut Trophy
2021 (Sport Manager Award)
Christian Seifert