22 Oct An amazing experience. Always in my mind.
Dear students,
My name is Pablo García, I was a volunteer at the 27th European Sport Mangement Conference and I also helped with the development of the Student Seminar held at University Pablo de Olavide. This was not my first time helping in a huge congress like this but it was the first which I was hand to hand on the front of the battle line. For me it was an unforgettable personal experience. The kind of learning a young man like me appreciates not only for my own growth but also for the teachings and the knowledge I had the chance to listen to keynotes and conference sessions in an unknown field for me: sport management.
I really hope you guys enjoyed this week in this fabulous city. And I hope that the Student Seminar, the PhD Seminar and the Conference were a place for exchange and learning for all of you and like me, you can not forgot this week. I will remember all my friends I met in Seville and of course, I will try to see you again next year in London.
All the best,
Pablo García.