Chelladurai Award


The nominee must meet the following criteria:

  1. Have made significant contribution in all of the following areas:
  • Theoretical and/or empirical, developments in the field of sport management.
  • Creating and disseminating new knowledge through publications, conference presentations and consultations with sport industry.
  • Advancing the pedagogy and teaching of the sport management discipline.
  1. Have a minimum of ten years’ service in sport management as a lecturer, researcher, administrator, or combination of thereof.
  2. Reflect EASM’s values in leadership, service, scholarship, and collegiality.


The following (non-exclusive) criteria are taken into consideration by the Award Committee to assess the nominations. Candidates who meet one or more of the criteria are eligible:


  1. Articles in high quality academic peer-reviewed journals (including sport-related articles in other disciplines);
  2. Cited Publications (articles, books, book chapters, edited volumes);
  3. Successful supervision of researchers (e.g. awarded PhD students, lecturer, senior lecturers, assistant professors, associate professors, and professors);
  4. Outstanding performance in promoting EASM and/or ESMQ (e.g. as editor of special issues of ESMQ, organiser of special workshops at EASM);
  5. Research awards and other formal institutional recognitions;
  6. Editorship, associate editorship, or editorial board membership of a peer-reviewed journal of high standing in sport management.

Nomination Procedure


EASM members can nominate a worthy recipient by submitting a nomination package to the Chair of the Award Committee, Aila Ahonen ( before the 31st of May 2025, consisting of:


  1. A letter of recommendation [no more than two pages] to the Award Committee chair that specifically describes the person’s accomplishments in relation to the award criteria. The letter should clearly identify the award the person is being nominated for, and justify why the person deserves the award.
  2. We encourage up to three [no more than three] letters of support for inclusion in the nomination package.
  3. A resumé, CV or brief biography for the nominee (can be pulled from faculty webpage or other online source).


Please note that suitable candidates will remain in the candidate pool and can be considered for the award for up to three years without having to reapply.

NOTE: It is expected that the Chelladurai Award recipient will deliver a scholarly lecture at the Annual EASM conference.

About the award
The Chelladurai Award is a prestigious EASM award and recognises lifetime achievement in the field of sport management. Below you find the full list of previous winners.
Award Winners
Herbert Woratschek
Paul Downward
Barrie Houlihan
Tracy Taylor
Berit Skirstad
Wladimir Andreff
Ian Henry
Trevor Slack
Packianathan Chelladurai