16 Feb New routes within brand research
“Exploring new routes within brand research in sport management” – The European Sport Management Quarterly (ESMQ) 2020 Special Issue is designated to this topic. Scholars are kindly invited to submit their research to the Special Issue Workshop during the EASM conference 2018 in Malmö. The workshop aims to support and generate innovative research papers for submission to the ESMQ 2020 Special Issue.
The workshop will take place during the 26th European Sport Management Conference of the European Association for Sport Management (EASM) in Malmö, 5-8 September 2018. The conference online submission system opens 20 February, deadline for submissions is 20 April 2018.
Visit www.easm2018.com for information about the conference and www.easm2018.com/conference/workshops/#workshop-nine for more details about the workshop or follow us on www.researchgate.net/project/Exploring-new-routes-within-brand-research-in-sport-management.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the guest editors Tim Stroebel (tim.stroebel@ispw.unibe.ch) and Claas Christian Germelmann (c.c.germelmann@uni-bayreuth.de).